Thursday, 14 July 2011

Culture in Egypt/ Greek in Malaysia Part 5

The Malaysian National Monument

The Malaysia National Monument shows a high relief in term of the sculpture (Greek Culture). It have some characteristic of the Greek sculpture which it is more realistic element and less rigid on the sculpture.

There is a difference in term of the usage of this sculpture, the Malaysia national monument is used as a place to honour the person who pass away during the Malayan Emergency while the sculpture of the Greek was used as a symbolism of a god. For example, the Venus De Milo, is a symbolic of beauty,woman.

Culture in Egypt/ Greek in Malaysia Part 4

The Cenotaph

The Cenotaph which was situated nearby the Malaysia National Monument were used as a
memorial park who died during the  Malayan Emergency (1948-1960).It has the similarity for the Greek Sculpture which it is a high relief on the carving, it have the same purpose with the Egypt culture which it was used to give honor to the individual, such as warrior or well- known person.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Culture in Egypt/ Greek in Malaysia Part 3

Alright, there is a picture which shows a heritage buliding in Malaysia.

it is Museum Telekom.

Actually, from the first view on the buliding, it consist of 8 Pillar (doric) which is a culture from the Greek culture.

So, let me clarify why there is a building in Malaysia. Back to Malaysia History, this building is solely used as manual telephone exchange previously. It is important to have this building as it represent the evolution of the communication industry from the past till today. The design of this building is adapted from the Greek architecture with 8 column of pillar (Doric). The main purpose of this building is used as a underground space and help the installation of the telecommunication facilities. As the time goes by, the building is used as museum. It is a symbolism where is represent an era of the telecommunication evolution in Malaysia.The pillar was used as a kitsch which is for a decoration purpose only rather than work as one of the supporting pillar.

On the other hand, the Greek culture can be seen when the Greek pilaster is being used in the building.

Culture in Egypt/ Greek in Malaysia Part 2

Today, majority of our surrouding are influenced by other culture. Malaysia, is a place where it consist of multi-culture which it emerged with other culture.

For example,

A simple paper that we currently used in office, actually it derived from the papyrus, is a kind of plant that exist since the Egypt era and Mediterranean Sea. It work as a tool to document an amount of information and it also work as a media in drawing. Actually, it also show some similarity when we relate to our Malaysia Chinese Culture. For example,  in our Chinese Culture, there is a festival called Qingming Festival  or known as Tomb Swapping Festival which it a Chinese ritual which they burn the folded paper or known as 金纸 (Jing Zi) to their ancestor. There is several type of paper that is commonly used in the ritual. It is used as “money" for the ancestor. One of the particular characteristic of the paper is the colour. For example, the paper coated with gold colour is representing”Gold" and Silver coated Paper is represent a silver.
The figure show a Gold coated Paper and Silver coated Paper.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Greek Archtecture

1.     What is Kitsch?
2.     Are these Columns in Malaysia Kitsch?

From the dictionary, kitsch refer to  a works of art or object that are popular but that are considered to have no real artistic value and to be lacking in good taste.
There are a lot of thing that considered as kitsch item in our countries. For example, in todays lecture, one of our lecture shows us some of the picture of the Greek architecture from the past and show how increadible a civilation can be in term of engineering.

Indeed, there are several type of the Greek architecture that are used frequently in the past. For example, one of significant change in term of usage of the pillar (also known as Doric ) in Malaysia is majority of the Design of the Pillar is used as a "Kitsch" where the Doric used as a decoration and have no sense of artistic applied to it.

Well, Let us compare the  differences of the architectural.
This is one of our College in Malaysia which apply the concept of the Greek Architecture.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Culture in Egypt/ Greek in Malaysia Part 1

Today, i going to share about the Similarity Between the Egypt and Malaysia.

Actually, there is a lot of similarity between both country.Hence, let me compare the Culture Between the Egypt / Greek in Malaysia.

I saw this building in highway. From the building, we observed that the building consist of pillar which is related to Greek culture.  In Malaysia, the multicultural environment makes the building emerged with local such as the the white structure on the building actually represent an Islamic mosque and the yellow colour was used as a royal colour. However, the usage of the pillar is used for decorative purpose, which it is called kitsch , where there is no sense of artistic over the building and the reason for putting the pillar was not identified. Indeed, the presence of arch shape made it is relevant to the Greek Architecture. 


Thursday, 7 July 2011

Principle of Organization Part 2

Okie, the second principle which i want to mention over here is economy.


What is mean by the word "Economy"? According to the web, If you can remove an element \within a design and that design still works, then you’ve practiced economy in design. Don’t offer more than is needed, but be sure to include all that is needed to create an intelligent and economical design.

From the sentences, it is referring to something that is simple, easy design without losing its concept.

Hmm...something that are simple? When i think about something that are simple, i basically refer to a famous furniture designer who apply the concept of economy in his artwork.
Ron Arad (Furniture Designer)

Let me show you what is the difference of his artwork.

Let say , a rocking chair which made up from wood.

He managed to change the overall design of the rocking chair without change the concept of  the particular object.

Voido Rocking Chair
MindMap  on the Economy

Principle of Organization Part 1

Today, i going to discuss about the mindmap regarding to the principle of organization which is refer to the repetition and economy.


Repetiton is a pattern of repeating the same element and make the artwork seem active at the same time . On the other hand,  from the secondary resources, the repetition also defined as the  repetition creates unity within the artwork.

In my opinion, the repetition can be anything, it can be something that creates the movement of an object. For example, in this current semester, i am taking a compulsory subject for Digital Photography. It is essential for me to know the application of the repetition  in my picture.
Indeed, i am taking a picture which is titled a "shuttle speed".  Hence, i purposely go to the highway and shoot a picture which related to the shuttle speed.

First Shoot
The picture appear to be a little shaking.

Second Shoot
The flow of the vehicle which create the repetition of lines.(light trail)

in the tutorial , i also create  the mind map which related to this principle.

Mind map on the Repetition